Gustavo Saltiel, Global Lead for Water Supply and Sanitation, World Bank, USA
Policy, Institutional and Regulatory Reforms for Accelerating Change in Water Supply and Sanitation Services Delivery
Camilo Lombana Cordoba, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank Group, USA
Water Utilities as the Driving Force to Accelerate Universal Access towards SDG-6
Josh Newton, Independent Consultant on Global Water Political Processes; Founder, Josh’s Water Jobs, USA
The state of the global water and sanitation workforce
Safete Isufi, Regional Water Company of Pristina, Kosova
Analysis of the Rehabilitation Plan of Assets on the EDAMS Platform in Pristina and Hidromorava Water Utilities
Jetmir Jaha, Regional Water Company of Gjakova, Kosova
Engineering Planning and Service Area Digitization (GIS)
Vangelis Balokas, Olympios Group, Greece
A Data-Driven Water Story: From the Source to the Citizen. The Case of Kos Island
Thoma Koroveshi, Korca Regional WSS Company, Albania
Tamás Huzsvár, DHI Group, Hungary
Efficient Management Planning for Water Supply System: The Korça Case Study
Lindita Troka, World Bank, Albania
Water Security Diagnostic
Fatlije Buza, RRBA, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Kosova
River Basins Management Plans drafted by the River Basin Authority in Kosova
Thomas Waclavicek, Hydrophil, Austria
A Regional Overview of the Key Water Sector Issue
Pavel Mihaylov, Sofiyska Voda Operated by Veolia, Bulgaria
Methodology of Assessment of Commercial Losses
Sener Polat, Gebr. Röders AG, Germany
Innovative Needle Felt Hoses for Trenchless Pipe Rehabilitation CIPP
Pál Bartók, Budapest Water Works, Hungary
SCADA – Information as Treasure and a Key to Efficiency
Massimo Gacci, Open Plan Consulting, Italy
Directive Specific Implementation Plans and Sludge Strategy
Afrim Lajçi, Office of the Prime Minister, Kosova
National Water Strategy in Kosova: First Review for the period 2023-2027
Burbuqe Latifi Nushi, National Institute for Public Health, Kosova
Alignment of Legislation with Drinking Water Directive for Conveying the Quality of Water for Human Consumption
Lorik Lajci, Young Water Professional, Kosova
Transposition of the European Water Directives in the Legislation of Kosova
Arne Gooss, Head of Municipal Infrastructure Division for South-East Europe and Turkey, KfW Development Bank, Germany
Financings in the Water Sector in WB-Countries: The Approach of German Development Bank KfW
Zef Maçi, Lezhe Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Challenges and Successes for Lezhe Regional WSS Utility
Frosela Filo, Korça Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Perspectives on Challenges and Innovations: Insights from Korça Regional Water and Sewerage Company
Rozarta Pura, Durrës Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Regionalization of Services: The Effect of the Process on the Performance of the Operational Unit of Kavaja
Lindita Troka, World Bank, Albania
Joining Forces for Better Services? When, Why and How? World Bank Methodology and Outcomes
Federico Perez Penalosa, World Bank, USA
UoF Center of Excellence – Knowledge, Innovation and Collaboration Hub
Sven Schlumpberger, World Bank, USA
UoF Innovation Challenge 2023
Lyubomir Filipov, Sofiyska Voda Operated by Veolia, Bulgaria
Roadmap to Create an Innovation Department/Team in Water Utilities
Radoslav Russev, IAWD, Austria
Innovation in the Danube Region – Experiences from the Utility Management Training
Behxhet Bala, Water Services Regulatory Authority, Kosova
Handling Consumer Complaints about Water Services in Kosova
Ndriçim Shani, Water Regulatory Authority, Albania
Depreciation of Assets as a Justified Cost for Water Tariffs
Adem Ahmetaj, Ministry of Economy, Kosova
Financial Management of Companies, Funding Sources and Subsidy Policy
Aleks Andoni, Korca Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Experimental Practice of the Use of Generated Sludge in Agriculture from Korça Wastewater Treatment Plan
Egzona Bejtullahu, YWP, Kosova
Design of Experiment Analysis for Assessing Parameter Influence on Disinfection of Effluent in SBR and AST Treatment Systems
Fjolla Lasku, Regional Water Company of Gjakova, Kosova
Sludge Management Plan at Gjakova Wastewater Treatment Plant
Amir Rexha, Bashkim Halabaku, RWC Hidromorava Gjilan, Kosova
Customer Management Through GIS
Edona Kraja, Shkoder Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Customer perception in evaluating services and the effect on payment
Petr Ingeduld, DHI Group, Czech Republic
Best Practice Experience Adaptation Options for Balkan Region- Lessons Learned for Better Customer Management
Ervin Buçpapaj, Sachsen Wasser GmbH, Kosova
Optimization of the Centrifuge for Sludge Dewatering in Peja Wastewater Treatment Plant
Avni Caka, Regional Water Company of Gjakova, Kosova
Rehabilitation of the Sewage Network with no Digging: Practice and Experience
Roemer Goossensen, Noah Water Solutions, Belgium
The Development of an Electrochemical Decentral Household Treatment Unit