Rovena Metoja has over eight years of experience in the water sector. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania, in 2005.
She worked on various structural design projects before starting at the Water Resources Management Agency as a specialist working with river basin management plans and the IWRM strategy in 2016.
Since then, she has wored in different areas of the sector, participating in numerous projects, meetings, and conferences related to water resources management, transboundary cooperation, environmental issues, and the water sector in general.
She has been part of the team working on the transposition of the EU WFD and its sister directives into Albania’s national legislation, which concluded with the new Law on Water Resources and other legal and regulatory framework that will ensure the protection of all water bodies in Albania and their long-term sustainable use.
Rovena has also been part of various working groups in drafting different strategies in the sector, as well as part of different reporting documents that Albania has the obligation to partake into, like the SDG-s, the EU Integration Process, etc.
Currently, she works as the Head of sector for Policies and the Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy, in the Water Resources Management Agency in Albania.