Jovan Gjika
Ing. Jovan Gjika completed his higher education at the Faculty of Civil Engineering followed by a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on project management. With 23 years of experience in implementation, design, supervision, and management within the water sector, he has developed a strong expertise in managing both national and international projects. He is actively engaged at various levels, contributing significantly to the public sector through his involvement in the development of strategies, legislation, and regulations.
As a member of the negotiating team for EU accession, he is responsible for the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and contributes to the Drinking Water Directive, specifically related to chapters 22 and 27. He has participated in various national and international conferences, including the Balkan Conference organized by SHUKAL and SHUKOS, where he has served as a presenter, moderator, panel participant, and member of the technical committee.
Currently, he is the Manager of Projects funded by the German Government through the German Development Bank (KfW) in collaboration with other donors, including the Swiss Government and the European Union, focusing on the water supply and wastewater sector at the National Water Supply and Sewerage Agency (AKUK). he success of these projects is evident in the transformation of water supply sector and the improved performance of water and wastewater utilities that have participated in these projects.