Jetmir Jaha

Regional Water Company of Gjakova, Kosovo

Jetmir Jaha

Regional Water Company of Gjakova, Kosovo,


Jetmir Jaha was born in Gjakova, Kosovo, on 11.10.1996. He completed primary school in SH.F. “Sulejman Vokshi”, Shishman and SH.M.U. “Zenel Sadiku”, Babaj Boke, Gjakovë. He continued his secondary education at the “Hajdar Dushi” Gjakovë Gymnasium, the Social department. Then in 2019 he completed the Faculty of Construction and Architecture, branch of Geodesy, at the Technical Faculty, University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”. Today, he is completing his Master’s studies in Geodesy, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”.

Licensed by the Cadastral Agency of Kosovo (MMPHI) as a “Licensed Surveyor for the performance of cadastral services” for professional work of KRU. “GJAKOVA” S.A., also certified in the field of public procurement by KRPP and IKAP. Also, he has conducted numerous trainings in the field of GIS, geodesy and asset management.


Currently, he is employed at the Regional Water Company “GJAKOVA” S.A., in the position of responsible officer of geodesy, GIS and assets.

All sessions by Jetmir Jaha