Aude Farnault, Economist and Policy Analyst,Water Team, OECD Environment Directorate, France
“Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”
Dr. Arben Gjata, Lecturer, Fan S. Noli University, Korça, Albania
“Monitoring and chemical-analytical evaluation of underground waters in Korça District”
Hazir S. Çadraku, UBT – Institution of Higher Education, Kosovo
“Monitoring the Water Flow in the Water Springs of the Central Part of Kosovo”
Ermela Kraja, Water Resource Management Agency, Albania
“Preparation of Management Plans for Ishem and Erzen Water Basins, According to the Water Framework Directive”
Maria Cheveresan, DHI Group, Rumani
“The Development of an Information System for Integrated Management of Water Resources”
Lorik Lajçi, Young Water Professional, Kosovo
“Water Balance Assessment: The Case of Kosovo”
Amir Rexha, Hidromorava Regional Water Company, Kosovo
Gábor Gönczi & Ramón Kreka Budapest Water Works, Hungary
“A Practical Approach to the Application of CFD and Hydraulic Modelling at a Water Utility Company”
Zoltán Herczegh, Budapest Water Works, Hungary
“Trenchless Technologies from 1” to DN1000 mm Used in Pipe Laying at Budapest Waterworks”
Gent Bytyçi, RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor Prizren, Kosovo
“The Application of GIS in the Monitoring of Non-Revenue Water”
Elda Kruja, Water Regulatory Authority, Albania
“New Methodology for Tariff Setting for Water Supply and Sewerage Services in Albania”
Hajrie Morina, Water and Waste Regulatory Office, Kosovo
“Development and Challenges of the Water Sector in Kosovo”
Milica Petrovic, Energy and Water Regulatory Agency, Montenegro
Thoma Koroveshi, Korçë Regional WSS Company, Albania
“Active Leaks Control in the Water Supply Network of the City of Korça”
Besar Grazhda, RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor Prizren, Kosovo
“ZNRW Reduction and Efficient Optimization in the “SOZI” System – Gjonaj Village, Prizren”
Petr Ingeduld, DHI Group, Hungary
Edmund Riehle, FAST Groupe CLAIRE, Germany
“Large Pipeline Monitoring Through Inline Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)”
Afrim Lajçi, Inter-Ministerial Water Council, Kosovo
Giel A.W. Verbeeck, TreeVelop Projects & Processes, Netherlands
“Utilities’ Corporate Development: A Generalised Method”
Rozarta Pura, Durrës Water Supply and Sewerage Company
“Organizational Management and Structure of Durres Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Company”
Arbana Kola, SHUKALB, Albania
“The Asset Management Project in Water Utility Companies in Albania”
Erdonita Humolli, SHUKOS, Kosovo
“Integrated Asset Management, Kosovo HUB”
Safete Isufi, RWC Prishtinë, Kosovë
“Asset Management Practices in Prishtina Regional Water Company”
Bledar Meco, Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage Company
“Integration of the Information Systems in Tirana Water and Sewerage Company”
Bashkim Halabaku, RWC Hidromorava, Kosovo
“Application of ArcGIS Survey123 in Field Data Collection and Their Evaluation”
Prof. Hamanth Kasan, CEO, Jyoti Human Development, Distinguished Fellow, IWA, South Africa
“Water and Wastewater Services in Uncertain Times: Dealing with the Global Crisis”
Moritz Remé, Director KfW Office Kosovo and North Macedonia, KfW Development Bank, Kosovo
“Building Resilience of Kosovo’s Water Sector – An Integrated Approach”
Flauers Shoshi, AKUM, Albania
“Energy Efficiency in Water and Sewerage Companies”
Christian Minelli, Association of European Water Regulators, Italy
“Addressing the Impacts of the Energy Crisis in the Water Sector in Europe: The Role of Economic Regulators”
Shamil Rexhepi, Energy and Water services Regulatory Commission of The Republic of North Macedonia
“Facing the Energy Crisis and the Regulatory Challenges in North Macedonia”
Zsuzsanna Nagy, DHI Group, Hungari
“Energy Efficiency and Water Loss—The New Way of Handling Water Supply Systems”
Ervin Buçpapaj, Sewage Disposal in Southwest Kosovo, Phase IV (Peje), Kosovo
“Industrial Wastewater Management – Legal framework in Kosovo”
Elton Hasanaj, Water Supply and Sewerage Associaon, Albania
“Application of Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment in Shtiqen Village, Kukës”
Prof. Ass. Dr. Lavdim Osmanaj, The University of Pristina, Kosovo
“Application of Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment in Raushiq Village, Peja”
Lumni Sallahu, RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor Prizren, Kosovo
“Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants”
Afrim Lajçi, Inter-Ministerial Water Council, Kosovo
“Water Safety Plans as a Global Approach to Ensuring Drinking Water Quality”
Elton Hasanaj, Water Supply and Sewerage Association, Albania
“Water Security Plans: Risk and Hazard Assessment Tool”
Radoslav Russev, Wadata, Bulgaria
“A Danube Region Master Class on Utility Management: Success Stories from UMT, Cycle 1”
Sanja Horvat, Sewage Disposal in Southwest Kosovo, Phase III (Gjakova), Kosovo
“Accompanying Measures in Operation and Maintenance of ITUN in Gjakova”
Ylberinë Baliu, Y.E.S. Kosovo
“Rationalisation of Wastewater Infrastructure in Kosovo”
Avni Caka, RWC Gjakova, Kosovo
“Identifying Problems in the Sewerage System Using CCTV”
Egzona Bejtullahu, Young Water Profesional, Kosovo
“Comparison of Two Effluent Disinfection Tanks with Different Geometric Designs”
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Enkelejda Gjinali, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
“Management of Wastewater in the Context of the Circular Economy”
Valbona Paja, Shkodër WSS Company, Albania
“Best Benchmarking Practices in the Albanian and Kosovo Water Utilities”
Giel A.W. Verbeeck, TreeVelop Projects & Processes, Netherlands
“Using modelling software to prepare FAST compliant complex 3FS models for WSS”
Dr. Linda Maxhuni, Dr. Burbuqe Nushi-Latifi, National Institute for Public Health, Kosovo
“Drinking Water Quality Assurance and its Effects on Public Health
Luljeta Ajdini, University of Business and Technology, Kosovo