1. Abstract Guidelines

The abstracts should be submitted via e-mail to by 16 September 2024. All authors should comply with the following rules:

  • Abstracts can be submitted in Albanian and/or English language.
  • The format of the abstract needs to comply to:
    • Up to 350 words.
    • Document “MS Word file”.
    • Typesetting Times New Roman 11pt.
  • The abstracts should include the following additional information:
    • Title of Paper/Presentation.
    • Author’s name and affiliation.
    • Personal Contact (e-mail, mailing address, and telephone number).
    • The relevant Conference Topic.
    • The purpose of the paper and its conclusions (up to 350 words)
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified on 26 September 2024.
  • All abstracts are reviewed by the Technical Committee members. The reviewing process is strictly confidential. The Technical Committee reviews all abstracts submitted for presentation. The Program Committee reserves the right to decline a presentation which is commercial in nature.


  1. Oral Presentations Guidelines

  • The Power Point Presentations should be submitted via e-mail to by 25 October 2024.
  • Oral presentations are allotted 15 minutes each, plus five minutes for questions and answers.
  • Presenting authors must present their work orally in their allocated sessions, accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.
  • File size 5MB maximum.
  • Submitting Presentations are to be uploaded via the Conference web-sites in PDF format.
  • Bring a copy of your presentation to the conference on USB memory stick.


  1. Bio-data/Profile of Authors 

  • A short – profile of your professional experiences should be submitted by 21 October 2024.
  • Short biographies are required in both English and Albanian language.

  1. Full Paper Guidelines

  • The selected authors will be required to submit full papers via e-mail to by 15 November, 2023 in electronic format.
  • The paper must be submitted as a “MS Word file” typesetting Times New Roman 12pt.
  • The full paper must include the following information:
    1. Paper title
    2. Author’s name(s), full postal and e-mail addresses of each author
    3. Abstract (up to 350 words, Times New Roman 10pt).
    4. Keywords (3-6 keywords in alphabetical order)
    5. Main text (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions)
      1. Introduction – describing the background of the work and its aim.
      2. Methods – a brief description of the methods/techniques used.
      3. Results and Discussion – a clear presentation of results obtained, highlighting any trends or points of interest.
      4. Conclusions– a brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work reported.
    6. References: these should be accessible sources.
  • The full paper will be reviewed by the Technical Committee and published to the Conference Proceeding Book, which will be copyrighted by SHUKALB & SHUKOS and will be assigned an ISBN number. The Proceeding Book will be made available at the Conference web-site.
  • The full paper should be submitted in both Albanian and English language.


  1. Associated Costs

Authors must cover their own expenses to attend the Conference, including registration fees, travel and accommodation (if applicable).

  1. Licensing Agreement

If an abstract has been accepted, the respective abstract author grants a nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to publish his/her abstract/full paper/oral and poster presentations online or print publication.