

SHUKOS and SHUKALB are pleased to invite you to join and participate in the Program of the 12th Balkans Joint Conference and Exhibition which will be held on 5 – 7 November, 2024, in Prishtina, Kosova, at Emerald Hotel. The theme of the Conference “Neighborly Cooperation: Promoting Peace through Transboundary Water Management”, is inspired by World Water Day 2024, and highlights the pivotal role water plays in fostering peace and stability. It emphasizes the intricate connection between water, peace, and sustainable development, stressing the necessity for collective efforts to tackle water challenges and cultivate a more peaceful and resilient world.

The Conference Program allows for a broad range of topic areas covering from policy to technical, as well as management issues of the water sector. The conference provides a platform for discussion, where all participants can share their knowledge and experience in dealing with water sector issues.

Day 1
05 Nov 2024

Launch Event of the Water Operators Partnerships in South-Eastern Europe (WOP SEE)

(Closed Activity only by Invitation) The objective of the event is to identify a list of potential Water Operator Partnerships (WOPs) and develop tentative action plans to showcase the interest of utilities in the region, particularly in relation to the donor and IFI community. The event will gather all members of GWOPA, who are interested in participating as either mentor or mentee utilities under the WOP SEE initiative. Potential WOPs will be identified by pinpointing overlapping challenges and specific areas...
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Stakeholders Coordination Meeting: “Capacity Development Products, Best Practices and the Way Forward on Wastewater Management”

The meeting is jointly organized by the Water and Wastewater Works Association of Kosova (SHUKOS) and the Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania (SHUKALB). It aims to foster a coordinated approach to wastewater capacity development among national and regional stakeholders by facilitating knowledge sharing, discussing innovative mechanisms, and promoting best practices. The meeting is organized in cooperation with and supported by the project “Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN+),” with a specific focus on introducing...
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Mastering Utility Benchmarking HUB for Kosova and Albania: Using UBP Platform for Optimal Performance

(Closed Activity only by Invitation) The workshop will bring together the Water Supply and Sewerage (WSS) companies participating in the Benchmarking Program (UBP) Hub for Kosova and Albania to enhance the skills of Albanian-speaking HUB coordinators. The goal is to summarize and analyze the results of the current UBP program cycle, comparing them to international standards to improve performance and ensure the sustainability of the sector. Additionally, sharing best practices will contribute to strengthening networking and collaboration among water sector...
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Young Water Professionals Forum

(Open Activity) The Young Water Professionals Forum is designed to encourage discussions on the development and professional growth of the new generation working in the sector, as well as those looking to build their careers in water supply and sewerage services. Additionally, it aims to enhance networking opportunities with professionals from the region and beyond.

Dutch Innovations in Wastewater Management and Flood Protection for Kosova

(Closed Activity only by Invitation) This interactive session will feature brief presentations and discussions on innovative technologies and sustainable practices, showcasing successful case studies from the Netherlands. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussions aimed at fostering partnerships and addressing challenges, empowering stakeholders to implement advanced solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Official Welcome

Moderator: Vlerë Krasniqi, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Pristina, Kosova Jeton Shabani, Chairman of the Board, Water and Wastewater Works Association, Kosova Chief Executive Officer, Regional Water Company, Bifurkacioni Ferizaj, Kosova Petrit Tare, President, Water Supply and Sewerage Association, Albania Administrator, Korçë Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania
Petrit Tare
Jeton Shabani

Greeting Remarks

H.E. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister, The Republic of Kosova (TBC) H.E. Jürg Sprecher, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosova H.E. Petrit Malaj, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Albania in Kosova (TBC) Mr. Daniel Alker, Head of Economic Cooperation, Embassy of Germany in Kosova H.E. Karin Boven, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosova

Recognition and Awards Ceremony

Board of Directors Award Lifetime Service Award

Official Opening of Exhibition

Cocktails in Exhibition Area
Day 2
06 Nov 2024


Elisabeta Poci, Executive Director, Water Supply and Sewerage Association, Albania
Elisabeta Poçi

Greeting Remarks

Liburn Aliu, Minister, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Kosovo (TBC)

Keynote Address

Armin Bigham Ghazani, Associate Enviromental Affairs Ofiicer, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Harnessing Multilateral Environmental Agreements for Sustainable Development: The 1992 Water Convention and its Protocol on Water and Health
Armin Bigham Ghazani

Plenary Session 1: Building Bridges: The Role of Transboundary Water Management in Strengthening Regional Cooperation

Moderator: Elisabeta Poci, Executive Director, Water Supply and Sewerage Association, Albania Co-Moderator: Florent Demelezi, Young Water Professional, Kosova Arduen Karagjozi, Director of Strategic Management, Water Resources Management Agency, Albania Ylber Mirta, Head of Water Department, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia Fatlija Buza, Head of the Water Resources Planning Division, Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Kosova Bashkim Kurti, Chief Executive Officer, Regional Water Company Mitrovica, Kosova Baton Begolli, Expert in the Water Sector, Kosova Discussion
Ylber Mirta
Fatlije Buza
Arduen Karagjozi
Fatlije Buza
10:25 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Plenary Session 2: Adapting to a Changing Climate: Managing Water Scarcity, Droughts, and Floods in the Western Balkans

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Albena Reshitaj, Member of the Commission for Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development & Head of the PG for Water Law Monitoring, Parliamentary Commission, Kosova Co-Moderator: Erdonita Humolli, Project Manager, Water and Water Works Association of Kosovo Raimund Mair, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank, Austria Zef Maçi, Director, Lezha Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Company, Albania Fitore Pacolli Dalipi, Head of Commission for Environment, Food, Agriculture and Planning and Development, Parliamentary Commission, Kosova Fadil Berisha,...
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Bashkim Kastrati
Raimund Mair

Plenary Session 3: Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive: Opportunities to Leapfrog

Moderator: Jovan Gjika, Projects Coordinator, National Agency of Water Supply and Sewerage, Albania Co-Moderator: Megi Marku, Young Water Professional, Albania Arben Musaj, Project Coordinator, National Agency of Water Supply and Sewerage, Albania Ljupka Dimovska Zajkov, Deputy Head of Water Department, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia Francois Debergh, Country Director Bulgaria and Greece, Development Director for Southern Balkans, Veolia Fatlija Buza, Head of the Water Resources Planning Division, Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Kosova Zvonko Naumoski,...
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Arben Musaj
Ljupka Dimoska Zajkov
Lindita Troka
Jovan Gjika
Fatlije Buza
Francois Deberghe
13:05 -14:30

Lunch Break

Technical Session 1: Sustainable Management of Water Resources

Moderator: Hasan Krasniqi, Regional Water Company Gjakova, Kosova (TBC) Co-Moderator: Saranda Vezvesja, Young Water Professional, Kosova Arduen Karagjozi, Rovena Metoja, Water Resources Management Agency, Albania Implementation of water resources management and cross-border cooperation of Albania’s waters with neighbouring countries Arjan Braamskamp, Dutch Water Delegation, The Nertherlands Flood risk technology and wastewater treatment technology from The Netherlands for river basin management in Kosova and the Balkans Valentina Slavevska Stamenkov, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, North Macedonia Integrating...
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Rovena Metoja
Arjan Braamskamp
Arduen Karagjozi
Jelena Hinic Jordanovska

Technical Session 2: Technical Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems I

Moderator: Arbana Kola, Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania Co-Moderator: Endi Biba, Young Water Professional, Albania Premtim Asllani, Regional Water Company “”Bifurkacioni”” Ferizaj, Kosova Background Technical Water Losses in the Municipality of Hani i Elezit Agostino Avanzi, Idrostudi srl, Italy Application of advanced approaches for hydraulic and management improvement of complex water supply systems Lyubomir Filipov, Sofiyska Voda Operated by Veolia, Bulgaria Energy Efficiency in Water and Wastewater Systems Gábor Brandstätter, Budapest Waterworks, Hungary, Eugert Isaraj, Tirana Water Supply...
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Gábor Brandstätte
Premtim Asllani
Lyubomir Filipov

Technical Session 3: Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Companies I

Moderator: Valbona Paja, Shkodër Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania Co-Moderator: Olta Alushaj, Young Water Professional, Albania Ndricim Shani, Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage Company, Albania Water Balance and the Possibility of Assessing Non-Revenue Water Frosela Filo, Korca Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania The Economic and Technical Transformation of Korça Regional Water Utility: A Journey Toward Efficiency and Sustainability Faton Hambari, Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services, North Macedonia Financial Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Companies Paolo...
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Frosela Filo
Faton Hambari
Ndriçim Shani

Technical Session 4: Technical Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems II

Moderator: Bekim Juniku, Water and Wastewater Works Association, Kosova Co-Moderator: Egzona Bejtullahu, Young Water Professional, Kosova Davide Russo, Idrostudi srl, Italy Master planning and reliable permanent monitoring of urban wastewater systems for improving resiliency and adaptation – a case study Stanislav Stanev, Veolia, Bulgaria and Greece Water Loss Reduction – Best Practices in Municipal Water Systems Naser Avdiu, Prishtina Regional Water Company , Kosova Noise data loggers with real-time communication via GPRS/GPS Valdet Syla, Regional Water Company “”Bifurkacioni”” Ferizaj, Kosova...
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Valdet Syla
Naser Avdiu
Davide Russo
Stanislav Stanev


Day 3
07 Nov 2024


Bekim Juniku, Deputy Executive Director, Water and Wastewater Works Association, Kosova
Bekim Juniku

Greeting Remarks

Artane Rizvanolli, Minister, Ministry of Economy, Kosovo (TBC)

Keynote Address

Harsha Ratnaweera, Professor in Water and Wastewater Technology, Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway Water Sector Digitalization: Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities
Harsha Ratnaweera

Plenary Session 4: Leveraging Digital Technology to Empower Water Utilities

Moderator: Albert Salltakaj, Regional Water Company Southern Hydroregion, Prizren, Kosova Co-Moderator: Elsa Belba, Young Water Professional, Albania Petrit Tare, Director, Korca Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania Valon Prebreza, Director, Monitoring Unit of Public Utilities, Ministry of Economy, Kosova Arsim Fetahu, Chief Executive Officer, Regional Water Company Prishtina, Kosova (TBC) Gábor Brandstätter, Director of Development, Sustainability and Innovations, Budapest Waterworks, Hungary Veprim Jasharaj, Young Water Professional, Information System for Water Services, Kosova Discussion
Gábor Brandstätte
Petrit Tare

Coffee Break

Technical Session 5: Institutional and Regulatory Aspects of the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector

Moderator: Dr.Burbuqe Nushi-Latifi, National Institute of Public Health, Kosova Co-Moderator: Arbëri Bytyci, Young Water Professional, Kosova Refik Ramaj, Water Regulatory Authority, Kosova Review of the Tariff Setting Process for the Water and Wastewater Sector in Kosova Trandelina Baraku, World Bank, Kosova Learnings, insights and best practices on water policy, institutions and regulation in the Western Balkans Sokol Kraja, Water Regulatory Authority, Albania Water Sector Reform: Meeting the Regulatory Framework and Impact on Performance Lindita Troka, World Bank, Albania Innovative Policy...
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Sokol Kraja
Lindita Troka
Trandelina Baraku
Rafik Ramaj

Technical Session 6: Wastewater and Sludge Management I

Moderator: Prof.Enkelejda Gjinali, Environmental Engineering Department, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Co-Moderator: Redon Katroshi, Young Water Professional, Albania Blerta Duro, Albanian Development Fund, Albania Sludge Disposal Concept for WWTPs in Himara and Orikum Aleks Andoni, Korce Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania The Future of Farming: Could Korçë Wastewater Sludge Be the Solution? Eva Gega, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany Biosolids Treatment at Small and Medium-Sized Wastewater Treatment Plants: Insights from Bavaria, Germany Lazer Pemaj, Shkodër Regional Water and...
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Lazer Pemaj
Blerta Duro
Eva Gega
Aleks Andoni

Lunch Break

Technical Session 7: Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Companies II

Moderator: Rozarta Pura, Durres Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Company, Albania Co-Moderator: Euerda Asllani, Young Water Professional, Albania Jonila Kumnova, Regional Water Company “”Gjakova””, Kosova Digitalization of Customer Communication Rita Studniczki, Budapest Waterworks, Hungary Developing Capacities Through International Cooperation – a Water Operators’ Partnership Story Edona Kraja, Shkodër Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania Performance Analysis of the Regional Water Utilities in Albania Levita Duka, Korce Regional Water and Sewerage Company, Albania Management of Public Relationships and Communication, an Essential...
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Levita Duka
Edona Kraja
Jonila Kumnova

Technical Session 8: Wastewater and Sludge Management II

Moderator: Anita Hajredini, Regional Water Company Prishtina, Kosova Co-Moderator: Bardha Jaha, Young Water Professional, Kosova Fjolla Lasku Hoti, Regional Water Company “”Gjakova””, Kosova Development of Integrated Wastewater Management Strategies for Municipalities in Kosova, Taking into Account Technical, Social, and Environmental Challenges Through a Transdisciplinary Approach Stefan Bleisteiner, Bavarian Environment Agency, Germany Technologies for Waste Water Purification in the Rural Area Fatos Huqi, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania Integrated Wastewater Management in Albania – A Case Study on the Ishmi catchment...
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Johannes Kreuter
Stefan Bleisteiner
Fjolla Lasku

Closing Session of the Conference

Arbana Kola, Project Manager, Water Supply and Sewerage Association, Albania Erdonita Humolli, Project Manager, Water and Wastewater Works Association, Kosova Nadire Vitija, Training and Professional Development Manager, Water and Wastewater Works Association, Kosova Co-Moderators: Takeaway Points from all the Sessions of the Conference